
The Bloodborne At 60FPS Dream Is Alive On PS5 (Kinda)

Thanks, manfightdragon.

They’ve done it! Thanks to recent breakthroughs in the PlayStation hacking scene, modders have finally been able to get notorious frame-misplacing FromSoft joint, Bloodborne, running at 60FPS on a PS5 console – along with other games like Red Dead Redemption 2 and Gravity Rush 2.

The achievement comes via a combination of advances in getting exploits to run on games on retail PS5s and allow for things like editing memory or loading and executing unsinged code, as well as Lance McDonald’s previous efforts in producing 60FPS patches for games like Bloodborne on hacked PS4 Pros. The result is that the doors have been opened for a number of games to run (albeit via unsupported means) at a glorious 60FPS on PS5 where previously they were beholden to their old limits.

Take a look at Bloodborne running at 60FPS via X user “illusion” below:

“Illusion has done it,” McDonald responded in a repost. “My Bloodborne 60fps patch has been ported to run within the current state of PlayStation 5 hacking [and] exploitation: real retail PS5 hardware running Bloodborne at locked 60fps in full 1080p.”

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You can also see Rockstar’s Western epic, Red Dead Redemption 2, in similar fashion (and right before a PS4/Switch release was revealed for its predecessor) below:

Of course, all of this is unofficial and less than advised for most players to start attempting to exploit their PS5s in this fashion (and likely not possible on a system that’s up-to-date) in the name of playing some old games at a higher-than-intended framerate.

It does throw a bit of extra salt in the wound that these games haven’t already been updated to run more nicely on modern hardware, though we’re not going to pretend to know the inner workings of the developers and publishers that are currently responsible for these games. C’mon, though, folks! Do itttt.